Essential Oils for Special Needs

Do you use essential oils for your special needs kiddo or yourself?
I’d love to hear your best tips and personal stories. I was introduced to essential oils many years ago, long before I had a child with special needs. For me, they are a way of life, yet I continue to find new uses and benefits. As I discover new essential oil recipes and uses I will be sharing them on my blog and adding them to the side bar on this page for quick reference as an essential oils for special needs guide. I hope you find them helpful. If you want to get updates every time a new essential oils recipe is added, sign up for my newsletter!
SPECIAL OFFER on Essential Oils for Special Needs!
For a limited time every order of a Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit is $25 off!
Where to buy essential oils
If you’re new to essential oils, figuring out where to start might seem overwhelming. Young Living makes it easy with the Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit – it’s a great value! Along with a fantastic selection of essential oils and other goodies, the kit includes your choice of a Young Living diffuser, which is like gold at my house. Once I started using my diffuser my family was hooked – everyone wanted one of their own. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. If I don’t know the answers, I’ll find someone who does.
How to get a discount on a Young Living Essential Oils
When you buy a Young Living Starter Kit you become a Wholesale Member and, Young Living recently introduced 4 great Young Living essential oil kit options. Never before have we had so many exciting kit choices! Once you are a Wholesale Member you will receive a 24% discount on all future Young Living essential oil purchases….not to mention the kit price for new members is already 35% off (if you wanted to buy Young Living at retail separately).
Are You Looking For a Young Living New Member Coupon Code?
I do occasionally have a Young Living Coupon Code, this promotion is even easier! For a limited time I am offering anyone who buys a Young Living starter kit by signing up using the button below $25 back in Paypal! YES!! You read that right. I will give you $25 back to order your own essential oils educational materials, no coupon code needed.
How To Get a Discount On Young Living Premium Starter Kit
If you are ready to buy a Young Living Starter Kit all you have to do is click the button to order your new kit below! Then email me (address in picture at the top) with your paypal address and I will send you the $25 within 72 hours-easiest Young Living sale ever! You MUST use this button (and buy the kit the same month you sign up) or make sure that my referral information (2315041) is in the boxes.
This Video is Super Helpful for the Ordering Process
Questions about Signing Up for Young Living? from Young Living on Vimeo.
{Order Your Premium Starter Kit}
Welcome to the journey of discovering essential oils, we’re going to have some fun!