3 Super Healthy Smoothie Recipes
I love smoothies and green drinks, they’re part of my health routine and are my go-to breakfast on the run when V has a day of doctor appointments or I have early business meetings. There are so many tasty smoothie recipes, they’re never boring. I’ve actually lived on all-liquid diets for weeks at a time when my body has needed periods of rest in my quest for healing of Crohn’s disease. Here are a few of my favorite super healthy smoothie recipes – Enter to win a Vitamix at the end of this post. Good luck!
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Green Drink
1/2 Granny Smith apple
1 stalk celery
1/4″ slice fresh ginger – boy, do I love me some ginger! I’ll put in a big chunk, but you might want to start with the 1/4″ slice and add more to taste.
1 cup brewed green tea
2 stalks kale
Fistful of spinach
Several sprigs parsley
1/4 of a lemon, peeled
Cut and core the apple, leave the peels on – they’re good for you! Place all of the ingredients in the Vitamix and mix until everything is well-pureed. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
Pina Colada Protein Muscle Maker
3/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup pineapple
2-3 tbl fresh coconut chunks
1 scoop vanilla protein powder – I use Jay Robb egg white vanilla protein powder – it’s awesome!
1/2 cup almond milk or coconut water
1/2 cup ice
Place all of the ingredients in the Vitamix and blend until smooth – deeelish. It’s like a tropical vacation!
Mocha-Cherry Protein Pick Me Up
3/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup coffee
1 tbl unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbl agave (or to taste)
1/3 cup frozen dark cherries or cranberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder – I use Jay Robb egg white vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup ice
Place all of the ingredients in the Vitamix and blend until smooth. That will give you an energy boost!
I was amazed at the Vitamix cookbook. It seems like it can do a lot. The smoothies you posted look good too.
I felt a connection with Tony Scovitch. I can’t imagine how I would cope with the news that my wife was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It runs in her family and it has always been a huge concern in our family.
I related to the lady whose mom called at work. My mom passed way to young and fast from breast cancer. Love and miss you mom!
I cannot wait to try some of these recipes!
I relate the most to Don’s story.
These smoothie recipes sound incredible!