A thunderstorm with torrential downpour had just passed through. The air was still warm and heavy, but the clouds were beginning to part and the sun was peaking as we loaded up in the wagon for our Sun Mountain Lodge Cowboy Dinner. The weather continued to clear as we made our way along the trail and through the woods to the clearing where we would have dinner. The views from the trail were incredible, almost as if they were a backdrop. We passed deer and watched hawks fly, hunting for their own meal.

V especially enjoyed the wagon ride and laughed pretty much the entire time, appreciating the movement, the sound of the horses clip-clop along the trail and the conversation with wagon-mates and new friends.

We arrived at the clearing, those that came by horseback put their horses in the corral, and we all gathered with coffee and cocoa while the cook finished making dinner. I could get used to this kind of picnic, not being responsible for anything, not making dinner, helping with the fire, or setting the table. Definitely a nice break, allowing me the opportunity to get to know some of the others there. Other diners were young families, grandparents with grandchildren, extended families on a large group trip, and long time friends who chose this destination to catch up. I especially enjoyed talking to Kit and Hank, who previously owned the horse program at Sun Mountain Lodge, and the new owner, Deb. They were all so warm and friendly, and made us all feel like long-time friends by the end of the night.
Dinner was traditional cowboy food, but I doubt that the cowboys had it this good. Chicken, steak and salmon were options from the barbeque, with yummy baked beans, fresh slaw, watermelon, and berry cobbler with fresh cream for dessert. I am gluten-free, and the cook had special options for me – including cobbler without the crust, which was much appreciated.

Dinner and a show…
After dinner we roasted marshmallows while Hank provided a humorous explanation of the difference between cowboy songs and western music. He was joined by special guest Rick Dougherty from the Kingston Trio, making it a memorable night.

Disclaimer: Sun Mountain Lodge provided my family with a 2-night stay, Cowboy Dinner and spa treatment for our review. The opinions and experiences are my own.