When my daughter outgrew her off-the-shelf stroller, I needed to find a replacement, but soon found that there was very little that met my criteria. All I wanted was something that was durable, could do a little off-road travel, provided good positioning and support, and, the deal breaker, it had to fit in the back of my VW bug. Come on, how difficult could it be to find something like that?
After months of online searching and demoing pushchairs, I happened across the Thomashilfen Swifty. It looked good online, but it was only after evaluating it for a week that I was sure it was perfect for us. We collaborated on the fit with our physical therapist; Veronica’s varying spasticity and severe scoliosis makes things a bit challenging. We ordered the Swifty with the abduction block, 2-point padded hip belt, butterfly chest harness, lateral trunk supports, and cargo basket. I later bought the removable tray – I thought I’d use it a lot, but have really only used it couple of times – sooo not worth the money.
There are a many, many miles on those Swifty tires, but with the exception of a couple of small rips in the fabric, it’s none the worse for wear. I’m sad to say now my daughter has outgrown this pushchair so my search starts again. This time my list also includes a cup-holder!
Thomashilfen Swifty base price is MSRP $2,015.00, which is highway robbery. A local organization provided a donation for Veronica and we were able to purchase it for a discounted price since they paid cash. Don’t get me started on how medical equipment is overpriced.
Hello lady’s I am looking for the swifty striker for my little by who has mitochondrial disease. We are tring to get the insurance to cover but you all kow how that is. Do you know of any websites that I can get a used one from incase the insurance does not cover which I was told they won’t. Please let me know if there are any we r from the Pittsburgh area.thank you so much
I am now in the same situation. My son has outgrown his swifty stroller and I am shopping for a bigger version of the swifty. I was hoping you would have some suggestions. I have five children so we are always on the go and need a pushchair that folds still. Your blog is so fun and informative thanks alot.
Thanks for the kind words Karen, sounds like you are one busy mom! I’ve been meaning to write a post about this – we now have the New Convaid Cruiser CX14T that we purchased from Adaptive Mall. (They were great to work with, by the way.) We have been really happy with it. It is bigger than the Swifty, but so is my kid, I guess that’s how it works. 🙂 It folds up like an umbrella stroller and fits in the trunk of my car. The Cruiser has a fixed recline, which my daughter needs because she can’t hold herself up very well. There are other similar Convaid models that have various seat positions/options depending on your kid’s needs. We purchased the upgraded pneumatic nobby tires and have found that they give her a smoother ride, and allow us to walk on trails and the beach better. The foot brake is kind of annoying, hard to reach, so maybe look at the hand brake option. We also purchased the Full Torso Swing-Away Support Vest as an add on and have found it to be the best positioning harness we’ve tried – my daughter is a tough fit! The other thing I need to buy or find for it is a storage basket or something to carry things in when we’re out and about. Hope that helps, let me know what you end up getting and how you like it, I’m sure there are other moms out there who’d like to know. Blessings to you and your family! Karin