When I find fun solutions that work well for special needs kids, I can’t wait to share them. This is one of those times. I’m so excited!
The STRIDER balance bike is an interesting concept. A bike without pedals, it promotes a natural approach to balance, allowing the rider’s feet to remain safely touching the ground. The child lifts his or her feet gradually on their own terms, finding success and confidence, not to mention better balancing, steering and coordination skills. It’s physical therapy that’s fun!
STRIDER balance bikes for special needs come in sizes that can accommodate everyone from toddlers to adults. Regardless of your child’s age, they can ride their own bike alongside their peers. How cool is that?
I spoke to Amy, aunt to Ali, a child with 1p36 Deletion Syndrome. Amy said, “The STRIDER balance bike has definitely helped my niece develop more strength and balance overall. But I think the thing I appreciate most is seeing my niece outside playing with all of the kids in the neighborhood. I’m so grateful to STRIDER for giving her an opportunity to play like a normal kid.” Ali says she likes her STRIDER balance bike because she can go fast.

I also heard about a school district that purchased 13, (yes 13!) STRIDER Balance Bike for their special education program. Here’s what their Special Education Teacher said about that program:
“I currently have 13 bikes for my classroom and a wide variety of students use them. Students with physical impairments, BLIND students, kids with Down Syndrome, kids with autism; basically anyone who can walk on their own (and even several who are a little shaky). We use them for recreation, social skills, community skills, physical therapy, adaptive PE, language development, and behavior interventions (as well as a whole bunch of other ways I’m unable to think of right now).” -Amy Heuston, Special Education Teacher/Special Olympics Coach
Now that sounds like a fun class! Here are more testimonials and more about STRIDER bikes for special needs. I really appreciate STRIDER’s product and commitment to special needs programs through programs like Special Olympics.
STRIDER Balance Bikes come in a variety of colors and range in price from $119-$289 and would be super awesome under the tree this Christmas.
Our son would love the red one! I love that they have bigger sizes, perfect for our kiddos!
Thanks Maren – good luck!
The bright green is fun and visible!
The bright green is my favorite, too!
I love the blue!
These look amazing but are outside of my budget. If my son was awake to ask I think he would choose either the green or the blue as his favorites as those are his colors of choice right now. I think it would be great to be able to teach him to balance on one of these. He has several different conditions that so far have stopped him from learning to ride a 2 wheeler but I watch him staring longingly at the neighborhood kids bikes and it hurts my heart.
I totally understand! Big hugs Katrena and good luck!
Blue would be his first choice,
These look interesting and I’ll bet my 4 yo granddaughter would love to ride with her 5 yo cousin! She would love the pink one, I’ll bet since that’s the color of her chsir. If we don’t win one, does anyone know anyone in AZ that would sell their small one their kid has out grown? She is very small for her age and would probably get a lot of use out of one. Thanks and good luck to everyone entering!
Craiglist would be a good place to check – Good luck Marlene!
My son is 3.5 and has down syndrome. I would love to get him riding this coming summer. His favorite color is red.
My son (4yrs) favorite color is purple but they don’t have purple but black would be a cool one.
My 3-year-old daughter would love the red or pink one!
I would love for my son to be able to maneuver around outside on one of these. He has outgrown all the trike style ride-ons we have, but still hasn’t figured out the bike well enough to move it along– even with training wheels. This would be a great stepping stone or even answer to his desire to get around like other kids.
Get around like his friends is what it’s all about – good luck!
Love this idea! My daughter had Down Syndrome. She is 2. Not sure of her favorite color just yet. Her 3 yr. old sister claims it is yellow.
I’m sure her 3 year old sister knows best. 🙂 Best of luck to you!
What a great giveaway! My daughter is 2.5 and would love the fun lime green color. We’ve been talking about getting her a Strider bike, so how perfect would it be to win one!?!
Lime green is my favorite color, too! Good luck to you!
Great contest. Thanks! Red, black, green – we love all colors!
They’re all good, right? Good luck!
Oh my goodness! I would love for my son Tyler to have a larger Strider. He loved having a little one, and is even featured in newspaper article with a picture riding one. They are so great for children with special needs. He was little then, but nine now, and oh how I would love for him to have a large one! Thanks for the opportunity!
Yay! Good luck!
My daughter would be all over the pink or orange one! These are fantastic!
My daughter’s fave colors, too – good luck!
My son got one when he was 3 or 4 yo. Now he’s 8 and still tries to ride it. But he’d love a new bigger one. Maybe red this time.
Good luck!
Love this! It’s very similar to a balance bike which my kids had when they were toddlers and it really helped them get their balance. I think you can do the same by taking off the pedals but it doesn’t look so nice!