Nothing gets you pumped for the ski and snowboard season like a Warren Miller film. I have great memories going to Warren Miller events with my dad when I was a kid. I remember watching in awe as the skiers seemed to defy gravity, flying off the face of mountains, shredding the extreme mountain terrain, and out-running avalanches. This was all woven together with a great sense of humor and story-telling.
This year we were even more excited to go to Warren Miller’s …Like There’s No Tomorrow as my special needs daughter Veronica is excited to try adaptive-skiing at Park City (although she’s decided it is called snowboarding, so around here Veronica is a snowboarder).
Warren Miller’s . . . Like There’s No Tomorrow – the 62nd Warren Miller feature film did not disappoint. The audience is part of the experience. We yelled, we cheered, we laughed. Our family spent the rest of the evening talking about our favorite parts of the movie and planning our season. Veronica enjoyed the skiing Yetti – although everyone knows Yettis snowboard.
Want to start the tradition with your family, or head out for a fun date night? Warren Miller’s . . . Like There’s No Tomorrow is stopping in more than 240 U.S. cities, chances are it’s playing near you but only for a limited time. Like winter it will be gone before you know it – Click here for event times and locations.
Oh, and don’t forget to register for the giveaways at the show, and visit their website afterwards for more coupons and special offers from Warren Miller partners.
Special needs tips:
The movie is really fun, it’s also really loud, so if you kid has sensitivities to noise, bring headphones and let them enjoy the incredible visuals.
Every venue is different and although they are required to be ADA, we all know that definition can have different interpretations for our kids. Call the venue to buy tickets and ask about accessibility, handi-cap accessible seats or seats near the end of a row in case your special needs kid needs a break.